

Today I woke up with the lyrics of an old hymn stuck in my head.

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing it will be

When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory"

The image those words conjures up includes Faye Dodson on the piano, a line of men waiting to serve communion, Dr. Temple sitting on his bench looking to be in prayer, and my Memaw sitting on the second pew of the church with her entire family standing - no towering around her. The church always seemed a little stuffy but I always felt very at home and secure standing behind her. Every Sunday was exactly the same. We were always a little late to church and Memaw was already in her place when we got there.

I am so grateful for.....
the last few times I got to see her before she died

the way I felt important when I was with her

her wisdom

her stories and her laughter

her constant commitment to serve the Lord

the stability she brought to my life

her generosity

her love

The song that I can't keep from singing this morning brings new meaning.
...what a day of rejoicing it will be!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sara. What a rejoicing it will be. My heart skips a little empty without her. I miss so much already.

bunnytrails said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Memaw. I,too,can see her sitting on that row at Abilene Bible with the Strader clan all around. It was so good to see all of you at the visitation. Your family is beautiful. Love, Jo Carol

Ashley Beth said...

What a nice post.

mary strader sullivan said...

I miss her badly already-yet it is as if she is with me every day-just as always...she always made me feel that she was near.